
Espaço TIM UFMG do Conhecimento

The Espaço TIM UFMG do conhecimento (TIM/UFMG knowledge space, free translation) is part of an art and science circuit at Belo Horizonte, MG. Open at 2010, march, it presents several installations made by Ciclope, that produced content and software.

Starting with the interactive production Sertão Vivo, the first one in a series of documentaries about the Brazilian’s ecosystems directed by Álvaro Andrade Garcia. At this first part, about the Brazilian savannah (called cerrado), our software, sitio, is used to create an interactive documentary where the viewers can use their own mobile phones to navigate among over 3 hours of content split in about 4 minute videos. Check out some pictures of this installation:

Audiovisual interativo
interactive presentation
Sala de exibição do audiovisual (museografia: Paulo Schmidt)
presentation room

Another Ciclope work at this place is the external panel made by video projections at the building’s front. Created to show the inner museum contents to the people in the street, this panel is also interactive, capable to react to several inputs like mobile phones and so on. Check this video about the panel tests (in Portuguese, sorry, but with some good images):

Teste do painel externo de exibição (foto: Diogo Dominguez/UFMG)
panel tests (picture: Diogo Dominguez/UFMG)

The last Ciclope spot is an installation about plant names in Brazil. While the content was developed by professor Cândida Seabra from UFMG, Ciclope used sitio to create a view in seven screens while the visitors select the desired plant name ona touchscreen monitor. Check out the pictures below:

Vista geral da instalação sobre fitotopônimos.
the installation
Tela de interação da instalação sobre fitotopônimos.
interactive touchscreen

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